CinEd 2.0
Project name and Acronym
CinEd 2.0 - European Cinema Education for Youth
Funding Program
Promotor/ Coordinator
Cinemateca Portuguesa
Consortia Partners
MOG Technologies | Arte Urbana Collectif | Cinémathèque Française |DFF-Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum | Associació A Bao A Qu | Os Filhos de Lumière | GET Cooperativa Sociale | Asociace Ceskych Filmovych Klubu, Z.S. | Udruga Bacaci Sjenki - Shadow Casters
Approval Date
Start Date
Conclusion Date
24 months
Total Eligible Costs (€)
EU Grant Amount (€)
Main objective
CinEd is a European film education programme created in 2015 with a holistic digital and multi-lingual approach that facilitates access to European films and expands cinema education across Europe. It is aimed at young people aged six to nineteen and at teachers and educators. Its main goal is to develop long-lasting knowledge and taste for European cinema, develop young people’s critical thinking and creative sensibility, and to contribute to general education through cinema and to the awareness of Europe’s cultural diversity. The CinEd Consortium gathered 14 partners and associated partners in 10 European countries. They have collaboratively been developing a common educational approach based on a unique free-access and turnkey digital platform that includes a collection of 19 heritage and contemporary European features or shorts collections. Additionally, a rich set of learning materials, freely accessible anywhere in the world and available in the languages of all partner countries, as well as in English and in French. CinEd’s main objective has always been and continues to be helping the greatest possible number of youths aged six to nineteen discover cinema through the implementation of a differentiated film education project.ore so in our new digital environment where films appear in the form of pixels on a multitude of devices.
Objective 1: Development of the CinEd online platform, with support in 11 languages, in which the tools to be developed within the scope of this project (student sheets and content editor) will be available;
Objective 2: Development of the content management system in which each CinEd partner should be able to manage the platform's contents at different levels (news, testimonials, films, subtitles, images, emails, among others);
Objective 3: Development of interactive and multilayer student sheets, through the content editor, with the possibility of associating different media selected and made available by teaching partners. In this space, each student will be able to share their perspective in relation to a certain film, through the construction of their own point of view of the film, which can later be shared with other students, teachers, etc.